Micha Silvius
Founder, Farmer, Cook, and Tea Maker
With experience farming, foraging, cooking, and anything creative, Micha was drawn to a sort of alchemy, the blending of disparate elements to create something magical. With playful curiosity and wild creativity, she combined aromatic herbs from the farm and unique plants and fungi from the forest to create unique yet flavorful tea blends. She realized over time that the herbs and plants grown on the farm were simply more fragrant, flavorful, and nourishing due to their freshness than the bagged herbs and teas she found sitting in stores. Over the years, she conceptualized, developed and honed these blends and their associated archetypes. She co-designed the art canisters with the help of her partner, Dan, and the illustrations of Ila, into the signature teas of Wild Coast Brew. She also enjoys photography and writing about all things tea, herbs, farming, foraging, and comedy.
Micha's current favorite blend: The Lover on ice with lime and honey
Micha's go-to tea ritual: Drinking The Creator while playing music/songwriting as the sun fades

Dan Silvius
Co-Founder, Assistant (to the) Regional Manager
As the idea of Wild Coast Brew began to take shape, Dan was able to draw upon his experience in storytelling to help breathe life into the characters that adorn the tea canisters. Storytelling has always been central to Dan, whether in written form or through visual media. As Dan nears his halfway point on this planet, the stories he wishes to convey gain prominence and clarity. Living off the land for nearly a decade has taught him the preciousness of water, wildlife, forests, food, and community – and watching all of them degrade to some degree, right before his eyes, has left an indelible desire to birth something better into the world. These are the ideas baked into the stories that define Wild Coast Brew.
Dan's current favorite blend: The Creator, iced, with lemon and honey
Dan's go-to tea ritual: Honestly, my favorite ritual right now is to enjoy whatever cold creation Micha puts in front of me. "Here’s a Lover mocktail." Yes please. "Here’s a Trickster popsicle." Don't mind if I do. Come to think of it, the creations this summer keep getting colder and colder the hotter it gets. If autumn and the cool weather don't get here quickly enough, I might be bobbing for apples in an ice bath of The Seeker (don’t get any ideas, Micha).

Leah Pellegrini
Marketing & Storytelling
Leah first volunteered at Myrtle Glen farm in 2017 and has returned every year since, whether for a few weeks or many months, to help Micha and Dan forage in the forest, gather herbs and flowers from the garden, and immerse herself in the creative, collaborative ecosystem that has now produced Wild Coast Brew. As a passionate grower, cook, and eater of fresh veggies; a committed sustainability advocate; and a creative freelancer with a focus on writing and photography, Leah is delighted and honored to help craft the social media and marketing materials (like this very newsletter!) that tell the story of the places, people, and plants she adores most.
Leah's current favorite blend: The Sage, over ice — the golden hue is so lovely through a clear glass!
Leah's go-to tea ritual: Making a giant jar of sun tea at the start of Monday morning, and sipping it at the height of the midday heat to cool down from sweaty farm work

Artistic Collaborator: Ila Rose
Ila Rose is a painter based out of Eugene, Oregon. She is inspired and humbled by those who have formed close relationships with the earth. Instances of this human-environment interconnection are rich with symbolism. These archetypal symbols, as they echo throughout time and space, have instinctively landed themselves in ila's art. She finds her work guides her, rather than the other way around. Science is important and fascinating to Rose, who also honors the magic that lingers in that which is unknown and unprovable. With the painter's tools, Ila explores the limits of what we claim to know, and challenges the viewer to forge bravely on, into the mysterious realms of the infinite moment.